The Tim Griffith Foundation is dedicated to supporting individuals through addiction to hope and healing.

We partner with the Service League of San Mateo to operate Tim’s House, transitional housing for young men ages 18-30 in active recovery. Many of the residents are in substance abuse day treatment programs and, while at Tim’s House, focus on skill development, job training, and emotional health and wellbeing.



Opened in 2008, Tim’s House provides young men in recovery with a constructive housing environment, conducive to successfully transitioning from incarceration to positively contributing to the community. This supportive residence is an option for those who have served their jail sentences and have actively participated in educational, social, and recovery programs. Tim’s House offers structure, responsibility and support, including onsite Twelve-Step meetings, house meetings, regular chore assignments, group activities, and monthly individual counseling. Tim’s House is operated by the Service League of San Mateo County, and while living in this safe, sober and structured environment, young men work in an evidence-based treatment program for addiction, acquire life skills, find employment and rebuild their lives.


Tim’s House has provided such an incredibly stabilizing force to the Bridges Program. Many of these younger guys would not be able to complete the program without this safe and stable place to live—hats off to the work the Tim Griffith Foundation is doing.

Honorable Judge Parsons at the Bridges Program Graduation

Tim's House has been a base for my recovery and has allowed me to hold myself and others to higher standards.

Mark, Tim’s House resident


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