Stories from the Heart: Be Like Linda!

Pictured: Tim Griffith Foundation volunteers and Board members. Linda Grayson is in the first row, fifth from the left.

The July 4th Redwood City Festival has always been an important time for the Tim Griffith Foundation to connect with members of the community. 

This year it is cancelled due to COVID-19 so we thought it would be fun to share how we met one of our most dedicated volunteers, Linda Grayson, at this festival back in 2008. Since that time, Linda has volunteered to work our Festival booth each year to greet passersby, telling them about the work of the Foundation.

Linda’s not shy. She walks right up to people and asks, “Have you heard about the Tim Griffith Foundation?” Maybe because of her warm smile, sweet voice and wearing our TGF apron, people seem happy to listen as she tells our story. She usually can get them to buy a raffle ticket or two!

Linda is a longtime San Francisco Giants fan.

When our founder, Stacey Redman, told Tim’s story to Linda upon meeting her, Linda felt an immediate heart connection. Stacey described Tim as a young man murdered outside AT&T park who had overcome addiction by completing the Bridges Drug Treatment program. 

Linda’s eyes teared up thinking of her own son. She wondered, “How could I ever live with the loss of my son?” 

Linda herself is a recovering alcoholic and coming up on nine years of sobriety. She finds volunteering for the Foundation to help with that.

Getting to know Board member Lisa Perry, our volunteer coordinator, also inspired Linda to offer her time as a volunteer with the Foundation. She has volunteered with many organizations and finds volunteering with the Tim Griffith Foundation to be most rewarding. “I’m not made to feel like a low man on the totem pole. With the Tim Griffith Foundation, I really feel like I’m making a difference.”

We think she makes a difference too. Whether she is volunteering at the annual Gala, the July 4th Festival, on Basket Making Day, or at a volunteer meeting, she is always eager to help and offer ideas to make things work smoothly. Linda also acts as ambassador of the Foundation to the Unity Church of Palo Alto. As a member of the church’s Sharing Abundance Committee, Linda has made it possible for the Foundation to receive grants over the years. 

The Church gives these grants to organizations that support the local community. Here is a short video by John Riley, Senior Minister, Unity Church of Palo Alto, if you’d like to learn about this years’ grant.

Going forward Linda would like to see the Foundation reach beyond San Mateo County and spread the work into surrounding areas. 

She also believes the Foundation could benefit from volunteers who have ideas to market the Foundation services more broadly. Could you be that volunteer? Anyone is welcome to volunteer and join Linda in making a difference and we can use your support!

Please fill out the Volunteer Application Form or contact our Board member Lisa Perry.

Written by Julie Gayner.

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