The TimGriffith Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of Debbie Lee as ournewest board member. Debbie served asTGF’s Executive director for two years before retiring in 2017. In addition toserving on the board, she is now joining the Meadowlark Retreats as afacilitator for the Mother’s Retreats.
Debbie hasextensive non-profit management experience and, equally as important Debbietruly believes in the heart and soul of the Foundation and Tim’s spirit.
She has aspecial interest in helping those that are grieving. She has volunteered for 17years for Kara, a grief support organization in Palo Alto, where she serves asa peer grief facilitator and volunteers as a children’s grief counselor at theannual grief camp for youth, Camp Kara, in Livermore.
Debbie hasworked for non-profit and not for profit organizations for over 20 years in theBay Area.
She workedas Development Director for Child Advocates of Silicon Valley was responsiblefor all areas of development including donor stewardship, grant writing,volunteer outreach, fundraising and event management.
Shepreviously held the position of Director of Membership and Standards atSolarTech, a not-for-profit trade association for the solar industry where shemanaged all aspects of association membership including events as well asspearheading the organization’s standards program and helping to launch their501(c)3.
Before herwork at SolarTech she was the Senior Director of Membership and Events at IDEMA, a not-for-profit trade association for the disk drive industrywhere she was responsible for globalmembership benefit management, new member outreach and member retention as wellas event management and sponsorship marketing.
Inaddition, Debbie held the position of Executive Director of All Stars HelpingKids (NFL Hall of Famer, Ronnie Lott's charity organization) where sheparticipated in major projects for that organization including completionof funding for building the Technology Room at UCSF Children's Hospital, and fundingprograms at both the Eastside College Preparatory School and the Sacred HeartNativity School.